[June 1] Our paper “Soft Robotic Snake Locomotion: Modeling and Experimental Assessment” accepted to IEEE CASE!

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Dimuthu D. Arachchige, Yue Chen, and Isuru S. Godage, "Soft Robotic Snake Locomotion: Modeling and Experimental Assessment," in IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2021 (accepted).

Continue Reading[June 1] Our paper “Soft Robotic Snake Locomotion: Modeling and Experimental Assessment” accepted to IEEE CASE!

[Apr 26] Our paper “A Lumped-Mass Model for Large Deformation Continuum Surfaces Actuated by Continuum Robotic Arms” won the ASME JMR 2020 best journal paper award!

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More details at https://asmejmr.org/2021/04/22/announcing-the-2020-best-paper-award-and-honorable-mentions/

Continue Reading[Apr 26] Our paper “A Lumped-Mass Model for Large Deformation Continuum Surfaces Actuated by Continuum Robotic Arms” won the ASME JMR 2020 best journal paper award!

[Mar 25] Dr. Godage wins NSF CAREER Award! “The CAREER program is the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award for faculty members at the beginning of their independent careers”

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This, $530,000/5 year, Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) program will promote the progress of science by introducing a novel and systematic approach to combine a self-contained, set of soft robotic…

Continue Reading[Mar 25] Dr. Godage wins NSF CAREER Award! “The CAREER program is the National Science Foundation’s most prestigious award for faculty members at the beginning of their independent careers”

[Feb 28] Our paper titled “Anticipatory Path Planning for Continuum Arms in Dynamic Environments” accepted to IEEE ICRA 2021!

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B. Meng, J. Deng, I. Kanj, and I. S. Godage, "Anticipatory Path Planning for Continuum Arms in Dynamic Environments," in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021 (accepted).

Continue Reading[Feb 28] Our paper titled “Anticipatory Path Planning for Continuum Arms in Dynamic Environments” accepted to IEEE ICRA 2021!

[Sep 11] Our paper titled “Swarm Contracts: Smart Contracts in Robotic Swarms with Varying Agent Behavior” accepted for IEEE Blockchain 2020!

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Jonathan Greay, Oshani Seneviratne, and Isuru Godage, "Swarm Contracts: Smart Contracts in Robotic Swarms with Varying Agent Behavior," in IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, 2020 (accepted).

Continue Reading[Sep 11] Our paper titled “Swarm Contracts: Smart Contracts in Robotic Swarms with Varying Agent Behavior” accepted for IEEE Blockchain 2020!

[Sep 1] Our grant proposal titled “Evolutionary Approach to Optimal Morphology and Control of Transformable Soft Robots” funded.

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Aim: The project intends to develop novel transformable and stiffness controllable soft robots and apply evolutionary computing to generate optimal morphological and stiffness trajectories for locomotion.Funding Agency: National Science FoundationDuration:…

Continue Reading[Sep 1] Our grant proposal titled “Evolutionary Approach to Optimal Morphology and Control of Transformable Soft Robots” funded.