[May 6] Our paper “Closed Loop Control of an MR-conditional Robot with Wireless Tracking Coil Feedback” accepted for publication in Annals of Biomedical Engineering Post author:igodage Post published:May 8, 2019 Post category:News You Might Also Like [Jul 2] RoME lab organizes a workshop on Introduction to Raspberry Pi July 2, 2019 [Jan’23] Our paper titled “Near-optimal Smooth Path Planning for Multisection Continuum Arms” has been accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft’19)! January 23, 2019 [May 15] Our paper “Design and Characterization of a Novel, Continuum-Robot Surface for the Human Environment” accepted for IEEE CASE 2019. May 16, 2019
[Jan’23] Our paper titled “Near-optimal Smooth Path Planning for Multisection Continuum Arms” has been accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft’19)! January 23, 2019
[May 15] Our paper “Design and Characterization of a Novel, Continuum-Robot Surface for the Human Environment” accepted for IEEE CASE 2019. May 16, 2019