[May 6] Our paper “Closed Loop Control of an MR-conditional Robot with Wireless Tracking Coil Feedback” accepted for publication in Annals of Biomedical Engineering Post author:igodage Post published:May 8, 2019 Post category:News You Might Also Like [Oct 29] RoME lab hiring PhD students (4 positions available) October 29, 2021 [Jan 21] Our paper titled “Mechanics for Tendon Actuated Multisection Continuum Arms” is accepted for ICRA2020! January 21, 2020 [Feb 28] Our paper titled “Smooth Path Planning for Continuum Arms” has been accepted to IEEE ICRA 2021! February 28, 2021
[Jan 21] Our paper titled “Mechanics for Tendon Actuated Multisection Continuum Arms” is accepted for ICRA2020! January 21, 2020
[Feb 28] Our paper titled “Smooth Path Planning for Continuum Arms” has been accepted to IEEE ICRA 2021! February 28, 2021