[Oct 5] Our paper “A lumped-mass model for large deformation continuum surfaces actuated by continuum robotic arms” accepted in the Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics! Post author:igodage Post published:October 5, 2019 Post category:News https://asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/mechanismsrobotics/article-abstract/doi/10.1115/1.4045037/1047384/A-lumped-mass-model-for-large-deformation?redirectedFrom=PDF You Might Also Like [Feb 28] Our paper titled “Anticipatory Path Planning for Continuum Arms in Dynamic Environments” accepted to IEEE ICRA 2021! February 28, 2021 [Aug 08] Our late-breaking paper titled “Realtime Contact Dynamics for Continuum Arms Using Physics Engines” accepted to IROS 2019. August 12, 2019 [Jan’25] Our paper titled “Modeling Variable Curvature Parallel Continuum Robots Using Euler Curves” has been accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’19)! January 26, 2019
[Feb 28] Our paper titled “Anticipatory Path Planning for Continuum Arms in Dynamic Environments” accepted to IEEE ICRA 2021! February 28, 2021
[Aug 08] Our late-breaking paper titled “Realtime Contact Dynamics for Continuum Arms Using Physics Engines” accepted to IROS 2019. August 12, 2019
[Jan’25] Our paper titled “Modeling Variable Curvature Parallel Continuum Robots Using Euler Curves” has been accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA’19)! January 26, 2019