[Apr 14-18] Dr. Godage is taking part in Robosoft’19 in Seoul, South Korea. Post author:igodage Post published:April 14, 2019 Post category:News http://www.robosoft2019.org/ You Might Also Like [Jan 31] Our paper “Dynamic Control of Soft Robotic Arm: A Simulation Study” to appear in IEEE RAL! February 17, 2022 Our conference paper, “Teleoperation of soft modular robots: Study on real-time stability and gait control” has been accepted to IEEE RoboSoft 2023. March 15, 2023 [Jun 7] Brandon Meng successfully defends his master thesis titled “Machine-Learning Based Approach for Efficient Path Planning of Continuum Co-Robotic Arms”. Congratulations! June 7, 2019
[Jan 31] Our paper “Dynamic Control of Soft Robotic Arm: A Simulation Study” to appear in IEEE RAL! February 17, 2022
Our conference paper, “Teleoperation of soft modular robots: Study on real-time stability and gait control” has been accepted to IEEE RoboSoft 2023. March 15, 2023
[Jun 7] Brandon Meng successfully defends his master thesis titled “Machine-Learning Based Approach for Efficient Path Planning of Continuum Co-Robotic Arms”. Congratulations! June 7, 2019